Somatomax, выброс hGH, со вкусом фруктов, 280 г отзывы, применение, состав, цена, купить

Hi Tech Pharmaceuticals, Somatomax, выброс hGH, со вкусом фруктов, 280 г

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Somatomax, выброс hGH, со вкусом фруктов, 280 г описание, применение, состав

  • Пищевая добавка
  • Оседлай новую волну hGH!
  • Стимулирует выработку гормона роста
  • Улучшает сон и общее самочувствие
  • Способствует ощущению благополучия
  • Способствует улучшению качества интимной жизни
  • Увеличивает мышечную массу и улучшает рельеф

Somotomax — это пищевая добавка для приема перед сном с целью улучшения качества сна и стимуляции естественной выработки организмом естественных гормонов, включая гормон роста (hGH). Somatomax также можно использовать для приема днем в уменьшенной дозировке для улучшения самочувствия, увеличения энергии, а также для усиления либидо и половой функции.

В сочетании с надлежащим питанием и физическими упражнениями. Somatomax также может способствовать росту мышечной массы. Клинические исследования показали, что Somatomax заметно стимулирует выработку hGH, регулирует уровень кортизола, что делает Somatomax особенно эффективной для спортсменов, стремящихся нарастить мышечную массу.

Возможный эффект от приема Somatomax:

  • Придает энергию и повышает работоспособность
  • Увеличивает либидо и сексуальную энергию
  • Повышение уровня ИФР-1 и увеличение плотности костей

Рекомендации по применению

Принимайте одну мерную ложку с горкой Somatomax, разводя 240 мл воды или напитка за 30 минут до сна.

Состав, используемые ингредиенты

Мальтодекстрин, яблочная кислота, лимонная кислота, натуральные и искусственные ароматизаторы и цвета, сукралоза, ацесульфам калия, fd & c желтый # 5, fd & c красный # 40.

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При приеме данного средства не следует управлять сложным оборудованием. Продукт может вызвать сонливость. Не принимать в сочетании с алкоголем, так как возможны побочные эффекты. Превышение дозы может вызывать головокружение, тошноту, эйфорию и диарею.

Somatomax Review – Wonder Drug?


Home » Nootropics » Somatomax Review – Wonder Drug?

Somatomax Overview

Somatomax is a controversial supplement that we’ve been hearing a lot about lately. It’s made by Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals, which has a checkered past of its own which involved several legal battles with the FDA and FTC over using banned and prescription only substances in their products.

Somatomax is something of a hybrid supplement.

It’s an HGH releaser which means that it encourages your body’s production of of HGH, or Human Growth Hormone. HGH is present in high amounts when we’re young, but its production decreases with age. If we can get our bodies to produce more, we’ll burn more fat, feel better, sleep better, and have more energy. So the question is, can Somatomax do this for us.

How Somatomax Works

If you look at Somatomax reviews, you’ll see that it’s used as a sleep aid more than anything else. Most people don’t dispute that it makes them sleep longer and more deeply than without it. Yet there is disagreement about how it makes them feel when they wake up. Some guys say they feel refreshed and ready to go.

Others wake up feeling groggy.

Somatomax Ingredients

Part of the controversy stems from the formula. The primary ingredient is Phenibut, which is an amino acid that resembles GABA, an extremely important neurotransmitter for relieving anxiety. The advantage over GABA (which is also in the Somatomax formula) is that it can cross the blood brain barrier whereas GABA cannot.

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It does this by adding a phenyl ring around the gaba, allowing it to cross the blood brain barrier. I’ve taken many supplements containing phenibut in the past, and can attest to it’s potency and results.

However, there are many dangers to taking Phenibut for a prolonged period of time. Because your body tends to develope a tolerance to it quite rapidly, you need more and more of the stuff to get the same intended results.

After prolonged usage, when you decided to stop taking Somatomax, the body starts to incur a withdrawal period, which can be quite unpleasant. Some of the most notable withdrawal effects when coming off Phenibut include increased anxiety, irritability, panic attacks, mood swings, and insomnia.

You can avoid this by taking this sparingly, about once or twice a week with at least a 3 day break in between.

Additionally, there are a number of amino acids, including L-Arginine, L-Tyrosine, and L-Phenylalanine that cause Somatomax to increase the amount of HGH released by 1600%. Again, this is what makes Somatomax a supplement for improving athletic (and sexual) performance.

How do I take it?

The instructions for taking Somatomax are to mix one heaping scoop with a beverage and drink it before going to bed. There are 20 doses in a tub. There is no clear discussion by the manufacturer about how often you’re supposed to use it. Most of the recommendations we’ve seen from retailers and other users are to use it only occasionally so as not to create a tolerance or the potential for withdrawal symptoms.

One thing that I wanted to note was that products that contain Phenibut, like Somatomax, takes a VERY long time to reach its peak. So, for example, if you plan on going to bed at around 11 pm, you should consider dosing around 6 pm that night.

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It can literally take as long as 1 – 2 hours before you feel the initial effects, and upwards of 5 hours before it reaches its peak. Everyone responds to Phenibut differently, so the only way you’ll know for sure is by experimenting yourself.

I would also caution against driving while taking Somatomax, as it does have the ability to make you sleepy / drowsy. Alcohol intensifies this effect, so I would recommend you abstain from alcoholic beverages while using it.

Somatomax Pros and Cons

Advantages of Somatomax

  • It works. Almost all Somatomax reviews we’ve seen (and there are a lot) state that it helps you get a good night’s sleep.

Disadvantages of Somatomax

  • There are several stories about how stopping Somatomax causes serious withdrawal symptoms.
  • If you use Somatomax too often, you’ll build a tolerance very quickly.
  • Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals has a sketchy reputation.
  • The benefits and drawbacks of Phenibut have not been sufficiently studied to know whether or not it is safe.

Where to Buy

You can purchase Somatomax through several online supplement retailers. A tub containing 20 servings sells for anywhere from $30 to $40. You used to be able to buy it in retail stores like GNC and Vitamin Shoppe, but they have since discontinued selling it.


There are definitely some benefits you can get from taking Somatomax . It can improve your sleep and your mood, but there isn’t really a whole lot of evidence that it can improve your physical performance. In fact, there are lots of people who use it recreationally. Given all the criticisms about it making you nauseous and it being difficult to come off of, we’d just recommend that you skip Somatomax.

If you are looking for a supplement that is going to be a healthier alternative to its prescription counterparts, then I would say that you are not going to get that with Somatomax.

It has enough potential for bad side effects to warrant taking a look into some of the other options out there.

Have You Used Somatomax? Leave Your Review Below!

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